Pictured: Allan Paterson, Judges Tom Ashbey & Bevan McKnight, Richard Cruickshank (Boehringer Ingleheim), Simon Paterson
- Supreme Champion Fleece of the Show
- Supreme Champion Wool Breed Sheep of the Show
- Supreme Champion Merino
- Grand Champion Merino Ram
- Grand Champion Merino Ewe
- Reserve Grand Champion Merino Ewe
- Champion Medium Wool Merino Ram
- Champion Fine Poll Ram
- Champion Medium Poll Ram
- Reserve Champion Fine Ram
- Reserve Champion Fine Poll Ram
- Champion Fine Wool Ewe
- Champion Medium Wool Ewe
- Champion Fine Poll Ewe
- Champion Medium Poll Ewe
- 2nd Group of Three Merino Rams
- 1st and 2nd Boehringer Ingelheim Pairs
- Most Successful Exhibitor